Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

It’s been a funny old year for many of us I know, but for us – we almost didn’t have a business left!

December and January brought us the worst bout of illness that as a family we’ve ever experienced, we all went down at some point with either COVID or flu, which took forever to lift. Then our partner Martin blew his knee out walking alone with the pack in the remotest part of the moors, so that was him out of action for months, and to top it all, I lost a major sauce of income and needed to take a full time job to keep the wolf from the door (pardon the pun!)

Come September it started to turn around, and now as we approach another Christmas we are flying again thankfully, but through it all the thing that kept all our spirits up was the unconditional love from our amazing Husky family – always happy with that incredible husky smile that just melts your heart.

We are truly blessed.

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